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We manage and treat foot and ankle complications arising from medical conditions


Medical conditions such as diabetes or vascular disease can put your feet at risk of ulceration or amputation, whilst conditions such as arthritis can reduce your mobility. Although there is often no cure for these conditions, Podiatrists can play a large role in preventing complications, improving mobility and reducing painful symptoms.

What is Dementia/Alzheimer’s?

Dementia is an umbrella term that encompasses conditions impacting memory and/or thinking skills, for which Alzheimer’s is a form accounting for 60-80% of cases. Dementia symptoms can mean that self care is incredibly difficult, both for those with the condition and for their carers.

How can MyFootMedic help?

Podiatrists are specialists in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the foot and ankle. My Foot Medic offers a professional and friendly service to help give advice for carers on foot care, treat emergency foot complaints, and for those that request it, we can schedule regular foot care appointments.

Services we offer include:
• Foot health check
• Routine foot care
• ‘At Risk’ Foot Care
• Advice on foot maintenance for carers
• Treatment of foot pain and foot conditions
• Request for NHS referral via a letter to the GP


Amputations can be caused by a multitude of problems; including poor blood supply, nerve damage, infection or injury. The leading cause of amputation is due to Diabetes and its effects on all four of these primary causes. The removal of body parts from the lower limb can lead to drastic changes in the way we walk, increasing the load on the remaining joints/limb. These changes can cause pain. Commonly associated problems include callus, corns, joint changes (e.g. arthritis), tendinopathy and overloading injuries.

How can MyFootMedic help?

Podiatrists are specialists in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the foot and ankle.

Services we offer include:
• Foot health check
• Routine foot care
• ‘At risk’ foot care
• Advice on foot care
• Advice on footwear
• Biomechanical assessment
• Injury rehabilitation
• Insoles and orthotics
• Providing a letter to the GP to request a referral to the appropriate services in the NHS

What is a Bunion?

A Bunion can be identified by a bony bump on the inside of the big toe joint and deviation of the big toe itself. This bump is caused by changes and instability to the joint and soft tissues (muscles, tendons and ligaments) acting on the big toe and first metatarsal (a bone in your forefoot). This condition can cause a multitude of problems, or none. Often, the main complaint is with either pain from within the big toe joint or from difficulties finding comfortable shoes. In severe cases, the second toe may sit over or under the big toe itself. The big toe joint typically takes 60% of your body weight whilst walking.

Complications at this joint, such as bunions, can cause pressure redistribution to the lesser toe joints which are not as capable at bearing weight. This redistribution is known as transferred metatarsalgia. Corns and Callus, as well as nail complications, are often a side effect of bunions.

How can MyFootMedic help?

Podiatrists are specialists in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the foot and ankle.

Services we offer include:
• Foot health check
• Biomechanical assessment
• Rehabilitation
– Stretching regimes
– Strengthening regimes
– Joint manipulation
– Soft tissue mobilisation
– Strapping and taping
• Footwear advice
• Insoles and orthotics
• Activity advice
• Prevention advice
• Referral for private surgical assessment
• Providing a letter to the GP to request a referral to the appropriate services in the NHS

How can Cancer impact my feet?

Cancer treatments can cause significant changes to your feet. Chemotherapy and immunosuppressant medications can also reduce your body’s ability to fight off infections. For this reason, it is more common to suffer with infections such as athletes foot, fungal nails, bacterial infections and verrucae.

Nail changes are a common side effect of cancer treatments, ranging from fungal infections to ingrown toenails. Prevention and early detection can substantially reduce the risk of further development.

How can MyFootMedic help?

Podiatrists are specialists in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the foot and ankle. Although we do not treat Cancer at MyFootMedic, we can help to reduce/prevent symptoms caused by secondary conditions such as ingrown toenails.

Services we offer include:
• Foot health check
• Routine foot care
• ‘At risk’ foot care
• Advice on foot care
• Advice on footwear
• Injury rehabilitation
• Insoles & orthotics
• Providing a letter to the GP to request a referral to the appropriate services in the NHS

Due to the complexity of cancer treatments, it is not always possible for us to prescribe medications for foot ailments whilst undergoing treatment

What is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome?

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a severe and debilitating condition that leads to intense and persistent pain. This condition often follows an injury or infection, and the level of pain does not typically match the intensity expected. Symptoms are usually confined to a single limb such as one leg, however multiple limbs may be involved. Intense pain can often be triggered by light touch sensations (e.g. by a feather) and the affected limb(s) typically appear swollen or discoloured. Symptoms may decrease or resolve in time, but this is not always the case.

How can MyFootMedic help?

Podiatrists are specialists in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the foot and ankle. Although we do not treat CRPS at My Foot Medic, we can help to reduce/prevent symptoms caused by secondary conditions such as ingrown toenails, or via regular routine care.

Services we offer include:
• Foot health check
• Routine foot care
• Specialist foot care (e.g. ingrown nails, corns)
• Advice on foot care
• Advice on footwear
• Injury rehabilitation
• Insoles and orthotics
• Providing a letter to the GP to request a referral to the appropriate services in the NHS

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a common condition that typically causes high blood sugar levels. This can be due to either a lack of insulin or via insulin resistance.

For more information please visit our Diabetic Foot Care page.

What causes Foot Deformity?

Foot Deformity can be caused by a range of genetic, congenital and trauma related factors. This may impact one or multiple joints and soft tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments) within your feet, as well as the way in which you walk. Foot deformities such as Club Foot can have a dramatic impact on your life and cause considerable pain, or may have little to no impact dependant on the level of severity. Foot deformity can be strongly influenced or even caused by the footwear choices that we make.

How can MyFootMedic help?

Podiatrists are specialists in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the foot and ankle. Pain caused by deformity can often be reduced or resolved without the need for surgery, however, in more severe cases surgical treatment may be required.

Services we offer include:
• Foot health check
• Biomechanical assessment
• Routine foot care (e.g. corns, callus)
• Rehabilitation
– Stretching regimes
– Strengthening regimes
– Joint manipulation
– Soft tissue mobilisation
– Strapping and taping
• Insoles and orthotics
• Footwear advice
• Referral for private surgical consultation
• Providing a letter to the GP to request a referral to the appropriate services in the NHS

How can MyFootMedic help?

Living with a disability or caring for a person with a disability can present challenges. It may be difficult to reach or tend to their own feet. Our team of friendly Podiatrists are here to help. Podiatrists are specialists in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the foot and ankle.

Services we offer include:
• Foot health check
• Biomechanical assessment
• Routine foot care
• ‘At risk’ foot care
• Infection prevention and treatment
• Advice on foot care
• Advice on footwear
• Rehabilitation
– Stretching regimes
– Strengthening regimes
– Joint manipulation
– Soft tissue mobilisation
– Strapping and taping
• Insoles and orthotics

What is Gout?

Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis that is caused by high levels of uric acid. Excessive uric acid leads to the formation of urate crystals within joints, which erode bone. Uric acid is the formation of purines, which are consumed within certain types of food and drink such as beer and organ meat (e.g. eating liver). Gout is a common cause of pain to the big toe joint but can also effect other joints, typically at the end of the limbs. Although common, Gout is regularly misdiagnosed and symptoms can present similarly to many other conditions. Treatment for Gout typically consists of oral (tablet) preventative medication and strong anti-inflammatory medication prescribed by your GP.

What are the symptoms of Gout?

• Severe pain (patients with gout will often be unable to rest a bed sheet over the impacted joint due to the pain)
• Redness and swelling of the joint
• Fast onset of symptoms
• One or more joints impacted
• Urate crystals may be visible through the skin in severe cases

How can My Foot Medic help?

Although My Foot Medic does not specifically treat gout, we can aid in the correct diagnosis and alternate treatment plan when misdiagnosed. We can also reduce the pain in joints previously impacted by Gout.

Services we offer include:
• Foot health check
• Biomechanical assessment
• Rehabilitation

What is a Hammer Toe/ Mallet Toe/ Claw Toe?

These are three different deformities of the toe, caused by soft tissue (muscles, tendons and ligaments) and bony changes within the foot. There are three joints per toe with the exception of the big toes which only have two joints.

• Hammer Toe – deformity of the middle toe joint
• Mallet Toe – deformity of the end toe joint
• Claw Toe – deformity of all three joints within the toe

All three of these deformities can cause pain and discomfort, and the deviation in toe positions can lead to abnormal pressure points and arthritis. In mild cases or early stages, conservative care (non surgical treatment) may be sufficient to resolve symptoms, however, more severe cases or later stages of the condition may require surgery.

How can MyFootMedic help?

Podiatrists are specialists in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the foot and ankle.

Services we offer include:
• Foot health check
• Biomechanical assessment
• Rehabilitation
– Stretching regimes
– Strengthening regimes
– Joint manipulation
– Soft tissue mobilisation
– Strapping and taping
• Custom toe spacers
• Insoles and orthotics
• Footwear advice
• Activity advice
• Prevention advice
• Routine foot care
• ‘At risk’ foot care
• Referral for private surgical consultation
• Providing a letter to the GP to request a referral to the appropriate services in the NHS

What is Hypermobility?

Hypermobility is where a joint can move beyond a typical range of motion. This may be in a localised area such as the foot, or systemic (many areas affected) such as with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome or Marfan Syndrome.

What are the symptoms of Hypermobility?

In severe forms, hypermobility can impact more than just the joints, and can have an effect on your body’s connective tissue as a whole. For this reason, Hypermobility is commonly associated with digestive problems such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), as well as effecting other organs such as the heart and lungs. The excessive mobility of joints means that the surrounding muscles and tendons are required to function at a high rate in order to stabilise your body.

Due to this higher demand from the muscles and tendons, people with Hypermobility often suffer from fatigue, muscle pains, sprains, strains, dislocations, instability and early onset arthritis. The over recruitment of muscles and tendons can lead to them becoming tight or injured. Symptoms usually present to load bearing joints such as the feet, ankles, knees, hips, lower back and neck.

How can My Foot Medic help?

Services we offer include:
• Foot health check
• Biomechanical assessment
• Rehabilitation
– Stretching regimes
– Strengthening regimes
– Soft tissue mobilisation
– Strapping and taping
• Insoles and orthotics
• Footwear advice
• Activity advice
• Prevention advice
• Routine foot care
• At risk’ foot care
• Providing a letter to the GP to request a referral to the appropriate services in the NHS

What does Immunocompromised mean?

The immune system is the body’s natural defensive system, it is used to fight off infections. Being Immunocompromised is where the body’s defensive system is impaired, meaning that you are more likely to suffer from infections and that these infections can escalate quickly. Becoming immunocompromised may be due to:

• Genetic factors or illness (e.g. HIV)
• Medication induced (e.g. Immunosuppressant medications for rheumatoid arthritis). With this condition the immune system attacks your own body (autoimmune disease). Medication for these conditions includes immunosuppressant’s, which dampen down the impacts of the immune system.

How can MyFootMedic help?

Podiatrists are specialists in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the foot and ankle. We use sterilised equipment and aseptic techniques (carefully controlled conditions to avoid contamination) to reduce your risks of infection.

Services we offer include:
• Foot health check
• Routine foot care
• ‘At risk’ foot care
• Infection prevention and treatment
• Advice on foot care
• Advice on footwear
• Providing a letter to the GP to request a referral to the appropriate services in the NHS

What is a leg length discrepancy?

A Leg Length Discrepancy (LLD) is whereby one leg is longer than the other. This can impact your feet, knees, hips, back and neck. An LLD may be caused by a multitude of factors but can simply be placed into two categories:

• Structural – this is where the LLD is caused by the length of your bones, typically seen as one Femur bone or Tibia bone being longer than on the other leg. This can be genetic or present following surgery of the hip, femur, knee, tibia or foot.
• Functional – caused by soft tissue (muscles, tendons, ligaments) tightness on one of the limbs. Over time this can cause a substantial change in the way in which you stand and walk.

How can MyFootMedic help?

Podiatrists are specialists in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the lower limb.

Services we offer include:
• Biomechanical assessment
• In cases of structural LLD – Insoles and orthotics. In some cases bespoke footwear is required. We currently do not offer a bespoke or orthopaedic shoe service.
• In cases of functional LLD, dependant on the location of causative factors we can treat with: – Injury Rehabilitation
– Where appropriate, we may refer you on to a more relevant specialist
• Providing a letter to the GP to request a referral to the appropriate services in the NHS

What are Neurological Conditions?

Neurological conditions are disorders causes by damage to the nervous system. Damage to the nerves can be caused by:

• Genetic (e.g. Cerebral Palsy, Charcot Marie Tooth)
• Disease (e.g. Diabetes, Pernicious Anaemia)
• Trauma (e.g. Infection, Injury)
There are three main types of nerve:
• Sensory – these allow how to have sensation to touch, heat and pain
• Motor – send conscious signals to contract and relax muscles in order to move body parts
• Autonomic – nerves regulating involuntary body functions. They control the necessary function of organs (e.g. heart contraction, skin gland secretions, temperature regulation)

What are the symptoms of Neurological Conditions?

Symptoms will depend on the types of nerve impacted (sensory, motor, autonomic) and the location of damage (central neuropathy = brain, brain stem, spinal cord, peripheral neuropathy = peripheral nerves):

• Sensory Neuropathy – reduced or heightened impact of one or more sensory sensations: pain, pressure, temperature, touch
• Motor Neuropathy – tight or flaccid muscle tone, muscle spasms, reduced dexterity, paralysis, abnormal reflexes, poor balance/coordination, unusual walking style
• Autonomic Neuropathy – dry skin, dizziness, digestive difficulties, urinary complications, irregular sweating, blood pressure fluctuation

These all impact our feet, from not being able to detect a cut or a wound on the foot, to changing the way in which we walk and increasing our risk of falling.

How can MyFootMedic help?

Podiatrists are specialists in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the foot and ankle. Podiatrists are trained to detect central nervous system and peripheral nervous system abnormalities.

Services we offer include:
• Routine foot care
• Neurological assessment
• Foot health check
• Biomechanical assessment
• ‘At risk’ foot care
• Preventative advice for complications
• Cream and ointment advice
• Injury Rehabilitation
• Insoles and orthotics
• Footwear advice
• Referral for further testing or treatment (e.g. GP, Neurologist, Physiotherapist)
• Providing a letter to the GP to request a referral to the appropriate services in the NHS

What is Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a condition that causes your joints to become painful and stiff. The condition occurs when the cartilage (cushioning) between the joints wears away, and the ends of the bones become damaged and rough. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis and is associated with wear and tear or injury. Typically three changes occur; joint space narrowing, flattening of the bone ends (enlargement), and reduction in motion. This may become noticeable as a red, swollen and stiff joint.

Although Osteoarthritis is common in the elderly population, osteoarthritis can also present in young adults and occasionally in children. You are more likely to suffer with osteoarthritis if you have damaged a joint in the past or if you are overweight.

How can MyFootMedic help?

Podiatrists are specialists in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the foot and ankle. A common form of treatment for osteoarthritis in the foot is via Insoles and orthotics. Orthotics can help redistribute pressure and stress away from the affected joint. They can also be used to increase or reduce the joints range of motion in some instances.

Services we offer include:
• Biomechanical assessment
• Rehabilitation
– Stretching
– Strengthening
– Joint manipulation
– Soft tissue mobilisation
• Insoles and orthotics
• Footwear advice
• Referral for private surgical assessment
• Providing a letter to the GP to request a referral to the appropriate services in the NHS

What is Peripheral Vascular Disease?

Peripheral Vascular Disease is caused by a blockage(s) within the arteries (not inclusive of the heart and brain). Arteries help carry blood around the body. This is necessary to supply oxygen and nutrients to muscles and organs, as without these they cannot function. Peripheral Vascular Disease most commonly impacts the legs, causing cramping and pain during exercise, it also has many other impacts on our legs and feet, including:

• Cold legs and feet
• Grey or blue legs and feet (occasionally red)
• Chilblains – a small red wound caused by a lack of blood supply to the skin
• Pain
• Slow healing
• Ulceration – breakdown of skin creating an open wound
• Reduced skin quality
• Calf pain upon exercise or at rest

PAD can be caused by a multitude of factors. The most common causes are smoking, diabetes, diet, obesity and high blood pressure. These all cause damage to the arteries as well as causing deposits of fatty plaques within the artery walls. This results in less flexible, and narrower arteries, with less space for blood to flow through.

How can MyFootMedic help?

Podiatrists are specialists in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the foot and ankle. Early detection and prevention is key and Podiatrists are trained to detect PAD and give preventative advice. Testing may include assessment of your blood pressure, Doppler analysis of the pulses within your feet and ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI) to determine differences in blood flow from your upper body to your lower body.

Services we offer include:
• Foot health check
• Vascular assessment
• Activity advice
• Routine foot care
• ‘At risk’ foot care
• Insoles and orthotics to redistribute pressure away from problematic sites
• Footwear advice
• Referral for further assessment and treatment: GP, Cardiologist, Vascular specialists, Dietitian

What is Psoriatic Arthritis?

Psoriatic arthritis is an inflammatory joint disease that effects people with psoriasis (related skin condition). This is an autoimmune condition, meaning that the body’s own defensive system starts attacking the joints, causing them to become inflamed and painful.

Often the tendons surrounding the joints will also become inflamed, increasing the pain felt. 80% of sufferers will have had outbursts of psoriasis affecting their skin prior to the affects of Psoriatic Arthritis, however only 30% of people suffering from psoriasis affecting their skin are impacted by Psoriatic Arthritis. This condition leads to the deterioration of cartilage (cushioning in the joint), and in the bone ends at a joint, which causes swelling, pain and a reduction of motion at the impacted site.

How can MyFootMedic help?

Podiatrists are specialists in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the foot and ankle. Treatment of the underlying causes of Psoriatic Arthritis is undertaken via GPs and Rheumatologists and not by Podiatrists, however, there is currently no cure. We offer supplementary treatments, for the side effects of Psoriatic Arthritis in order to reduce pain and discomfort.

Services we offer include:
• Foot health check
• Biomechanical assessment
• Routine foot care
• ‘At risk’ foot care
• Rehabilitation:
– Stretching regimes
– Strengthening regimes
– Joint manipulation
– Soft tissue mobilisation
– Strapping and taping
• Insoles and orthotics
• Footwear advice
• Referral for further assessment and treatment: GP, Rheumatologist, Physiotherapist

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory condition that attacks the synovium. Synovium is the membrane surrounding certain joints and secretes lubricants to aid in joint motion. Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune condition, meaning that the body’s own defensive system starts attacking itself, and causes chronic inflammation (inflammation over a long time).

This chronic inflammation causes damage to bones and tendons surrounding a joint, however, the inflammation also attacks organs such as the heart and lungs. The disease affects a wide range of people but is more common in women.

Common symptoms include:
• Morning stiffness
• Red, hot, swollen joints. These usually present symmetrically in both sides of the body
• Hand and foot deformity
• Periods of remission and flare ups
• Fatigue

How can MyFootMedic help?

Podiatrists are specialists in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the foot and ankle. Treatment of the underlying causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis is undertaken via GPs and Rheumatologists and not by Podiatrists, however, there is currently no cure. We offer supplementary treatments, for the side effects of Rheumatoid Arthritis in order to reduce pain and discomfort.

Services we offer include:
• Foot health check
• Biomechanical assessment
• Routine foot care
• ‘At risk’ Foot Care
• Rehabilitation:
– Stretching regimes
– Strengthening regimes
– Joint manipulation
– Soft tissue mobilisation
– Strapping and taping
• Insoles and orthotics
• Footwear advice
• Referral for further assessment and treatment: GP, Rheumatologist, Physiotherapist

What is an Ulceration?

An ulcer is an open wound on the skin that may be slow to heal or not healing. Ulcers can become limb or life threatening. Ulcers are often caused by:

• Peripheral vascular disease
• Weakened immune system
• Peripheral neuropathy
• Infection
• Pressure

How can MyFootMedic help?

Podiatrists are specialists in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the foot and ankle.

Services we offer include:
• Prevention via annual foot health check and routine care
• ‘At risk’ foot care
• Medications for infection
• Insoles & orthotics to off-load ulcers and areas of high pressure
• Footwear advice
• Debridement of infected and dead tissue
• Working in conjunction with NHS multidisciplinary team
• Request referral to NHS: multidisciplinary foot team, vascular team, diabeticians, orthopaedics

Whether you are a new patient or a regular, you will be advised of our prices and no treatment will be undertaken without your prior consent.